If you caught my post on Facebook a while back, you'll know we are returning to Dhaka. Depending on the day, little people in our house are either really looking forward to this move, or really NOT looking forward to the move. It's difficult to sort out the basis for these feelings, but they're generally related to things like friends, family, and school. In my mind, these are all valid reasons to feel ambivalent or even upset about moving. But that doesn't stop the wheel from turning.
On that note, we got our RFO while I was off gallivanting with the kids on Spring Break. We've had a few unexpected changes to our timeline. We originally planned for Josh to finish up the summer cycle at Florida State, then do some additional Army training, and finally take some leave before we all headed back overseas. Our landlord is only letting us stay through the end of July (graduation is the first week of August), so we already knew we'd be packing out while Josh was still in school. As it happens however, he needs to finish up early because he needs to get overseas faster. And so he will be away training while the kids and I supervise the packing. This could go really well, or not.
The second piece of this ever-changing puzzle is that we will not be able to accompany him when he flies. We're all a little bit sad about this (mostly me, because I'll be traveling with the kids). But because we always like to have a bit of drama in our lives, we have some news. While we left Dhaka last summer as a family of four, we will be returning as a family of five! What aspect of international move planning doesn't become even more fun when you incorporate a newborn??
From packing up and shipping baby clothes in July for a baby who won't even be born for another month, to figuring out how to purchase plane tickets and apply for a passport for an as yet unnamed child, or trying to figure out how to pack a suitcase that has space for maternity, nursing, and normal clothes, our lives have taken on a new level of complexity. And we couldn't be happier.