Monday, March 5, 2012

We Met by Accident...

While I would say that opportunities to do things with the kids is a bit limited in Dhaka, that does not mean that we don't have anything to do.  It just means that instead of 10 playgrounds to choose from, I have to pick among two or three.  And while they're not as elaborate as anything we had back in California, they're no worse than the metal playgrounds I grew up playing on - and I turned out alright, right??  So they are thoroughly enjoying their playtime so far.  The people we've met here have generously shared their toys with us (since ours are still somewhere in the Pacific - or we can hope the Indian - Ocean) and we've managed to make it to several playgroup meetings.

Josh is finding his introduction to the embassy to be interesting so far.  We attended a Hail and Farewell last night where we were introduced to the "group" at large.  Unfortunately, as tends to happen at these functions, we left knowing only one more person than we knew when we got there.  It's probably our own fault for not just "jumping in" and introducing ourselves to people, but that's not really my style.  Oh well.  The people who work here seem happy enough, although they are all quick to point out that this is considered a "gritty" assignment.  People who leave here get essentially their first pick of new duty assignment (or whatever the terminology is for the State Dept guys).

On the housing front, it's possible that we've made some headway and again, possible, that we might know something definite sooner rather than later.  Mind you, I'm not holding my breath or anything, but things look more positive this week than they did last week this time.  How's that for being positive, but totally non-committal at the same time??

Oh, and as for the title, Josh has officially had his first accident driving in Dhaka.  It didn't really amount to much - in fact, I'm not even convinced that we actually hit the guy.  He gave us lots of dirty looks, but since he already had several dents in the same door and a portion of the car had been re-attached using clear packing tape, I am a bit suspect.  We left, and I don't think he followed us, so all's well that ends well.


  1. I stumbled upon your blog and now I have a million questions! My husband got picked up for FAO and we will be moving to CA this summer. Did you go to DLI with him? Would you suggest it? I am excited and scared all wrapped up together! I don't know anyone else doing this so any advice would be helpful. We will be headed to Africa eventually and we have 3 children. Thanks again and keep posting!

    1. Happy to share anything I've learned so far. There's a large group of Africa FAO souses on Facebook if you do that. They're probably going to be your best source of region specific info. If you're having trouble finding them, let me know and I can point you in the right direction. We had a PCS to DLI, so no real options for us, and yes, it's pretty much one of the best places the Army will ever send you, so you might as well take advantage of it!
