Sunday, November 20, 2011

School - Check!

I'm  happy to report one more item on my list taken care of.  The School Liaison Officer (SLO) wrote back to me last night (essentially the equivalent of Monday morning their time as they work Sunday through Thursday) and sent me all the information I needed to fill out the forms required by DoD.  For anyone who's looking, here is where you can find all the information you might need on non-DoDDS school registration.  So I've managed to gather up all the stuff they need and I just sent everything off.  I've also gotten confirmation back from the school that they received everything I've sent and we're good to go on that end.  Now I just need a school supplies list so I can pick up all that stuff and include it in our shipment.

On another "pre-buying" note, we hit up Party City in Salinas - who now offers a 10% military discount - and picked up all of the party gear we'll need for the kids next year.  Normally, would I need all of the matching plates, cups, napkins, hats, decorations?  No.  But we're going to be away from family, in a foreign place, with a bunch of new people.  Birthday parties are a big deal because it's a chance to interact with both the other foreign officer families from the school Josh will attend as well as the foreign service families from the embassy. So we might as well make the most of it.  I draw the line however at pre-buying gifts.  Amazon ships where we're going, so we might as well take advantage of that.

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