Thursday, February 23, 2012

One Day at a Time

This was the name of the recessional hymn at Ash Wednesday mass earlier this week and it really struck a chord with me.  Seems like a perfect opening not only to Lent but also to our new life here.  We'll just take everything one day at a time.

As we've been here over a week, it was time to do some maintenance cleaning.  All of the air conditioners needed to be cleaned, all of the carpets needed to be vacuumed, and all of the floors needed to be swept.  I probably would have tried to clean out all the bathrooms as well, but we don't really have all the supplies for that as of yet.  I'll add that stuff to my shopping list for this week.  Last on the list for today is cleaning the distiller which I'm not really looking forward to because there seems to be a very small hole in the top through which all of the cleaning has to be done.  Maybe I'm missing something and I'll be pleasantly surprised, but I'm not hopeful at this point.  

I did some shopping yesterday afternoon with our military sponsor and picked up some local tunics and pants.  The pants are fairly baggy, but are extremely lightweight and comfortable.  Certainly something I look forward to putting on when it gets hot outside.  I say "gets hot", but really it's been almost 90 outside for the past week.  It doesn't feel terribly hot yet however for which I am thankful. I have been told over and over again that the heat is coming.  

I also picked up an outfit for B which he put on as soon as I got home and didn't take off until dinner time.  Unfortunately, I didn't have the camera out, so I didn't manage to capture him in his finery.  While there were many cute little girl outfits, I couldn't find anything in the right size for K, so I will have to stay on the lookout for something for her.

We're doing our best to try to normalize being here by keeping up some of our routines from state-side.  It's Friday here, but the first day of the weekend, so we had pancakes and sausage links - our normal Saturday morning routine.  We were pleased to discover that the commissary here carries the same breakfast sausage we used to get back home.  While the consistency of the pancakes isn't exactly the same as what I'm used to, that might have more to do with the milk I'm using and adjusting to a gas stove than anything else.  All in all, I think we're doing an okay job of keeping as many things constant for the kids as possible during this "adjustment" phase.  We're all set for Friday night pizza and movies tonight as well (which maybe I'm looking forward to more than the kids).  

We headed out for a morning walk to get some fresh air after the cleaning (and to allow the A/C filters to dry) and were pleasantly surprised to find the path by Gulshan Lake almost deserted.  It's tree lined, so remains relatively shady and breezy even with the sun up.  Beside a tree near our gate to the park, there were three kittens only a few weeks old.  Made me think about our cats back home - Tiger was only 3 weeks old when she was taken in off the street in Korea.  I'm not going to lie.  I was sorely tempted to pick them up and carry them home with me.  Luckily they were up and moving by the time we came home showing me just how hardy they were even at such a young age.  

When we returned home, Josh got a call that the barber had arrived to give him a haircut.  The man travels around the diplomatic enclave relying on word of mouth to get new customers.  But he does such a good job, I have to imagine he does not have too much trouble keeping clients.  The haircut was just over $7.00.  Oh, and I'm being told that also included a scalp massage.

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