Monday, February 27, 2012


It might seem strange since we just arrived here (and aren't even in our permanent residence yet), but we're already making plans to do some travel.  A big part of the In-Region Training year that we're spending here is supposed to be focused on getting out to the other countries in the area and "absorbing" some culture.  And hey, we've already been living out of our suitcases for going on 2 months - so why not?

We're hoping to visit the beautiful island nation of Sri Lanka before Josh starts school.  We'll be back just in time for some real HEAT here in Dhaka and won't miss any of the in-processing that Josh has to do before he gets started.  All in all, fairly good timing.  The climate there is a bit more tropical than it is here right now, so hopefully we've got enough appropriate clothes to last through the trip.  If not, I might have to <gasp> go shopping.

K is screaming to let me know she's done with her nap (what was I thinking trying to do any sort of "creative" writing before the kids were in bed for the night??), so I'll need to wrap this up quickly.  The family is over the worst of the initial sickness here and I've managed not to kill anyone with my cooking thus far.  Power outages are quickly becoming a way of life after only two weeks.  Now, when all the lights go out, the kids and I sit together and see how high we can count before they come back on.  Our apartment is on the ground floor and subsequently gets very little sunlight even during the middle of the day.  When we lose power, it's pretty noticeable.  The counting seems to take everyone's mind off of their fear of the dark and focus on something menial.  Score one for mom.

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