Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day?

For pretty much my entire life, I've been really confused by Labor Day.  We all stay home and celebrate those who work by (yes, that's right) not working.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm all about paid holidays, but this one, I just don't get. 

So we celebrated today by... going to the grocery store.  I had to try to find a place where people would actually be working so I could thank them.  Okay, I'm lying.  Really, I just needed groceries.  And on that note (ugh), please remind me - however tempting it may seem at the time - not to ever bring both my husband and my kids with me to shop for groceries.  It's not that having an extra pair of hands wouldn't be helpful in theory.  It's that the reality of life is that he's just not "into" my routine.  So if the kids scream, they scream.  I don't change what I'm doing.  No one at the grocery store cares that my kids are loud.  Which is exactly why I go mid-morning on a weekday.  Everyone else there also has kids (or had kids at some point in time and therefore find my screaming children to be oddly charming).  When the hubby is along though, if the children scream or are uncomfortable in some way, he feels like some action needs to be taken.  So K is happily riding in the car on the front of the shopping cart - and then she stands up.  Josh tells her to sit down (we're good so far), but then when she sits down and starts crying, he PICKS HER UP.  Well, folks, that was the beginning of the end.  Anyone with kids knows once you pick a kid up, they've won the battle you don't even really know you're fighting.  So for the rest of the trip, K alternated between walking next to the cart, dragging her blanket (very convenient for everyone else in the store - and, oh by the way, wasn't doing a good job of keeping her hands to herself) and screaming because Josh wasn't letting her walk.  What a merry way to spend the morning.

Unsurprisingly, we spent the rest of the day at home.  Celebrating, by not working.

Happy Labor Day!

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