Sunday, September 11, 2011

Things to fill up the weekend

First doughnut
I have been working my way through the Curious George collection with B for his bedtime stories, and on Friday we happened to read the introduction to the alphabet.  I've seen the TV episode based on a portion of this story, but I can't really remember reading this one (although I'm sure I did...).  Anyway, George takes a note to the bakery to pick up one dozen doughnuts.  He crosses out the word one and writes ten instead.  First off, who trusts an animal to pick up doughnuts?  Second, does the man with the yellow hat actually have a tab at the bakery, or are we to also believe that said monkey has a credit card?  These thoughts run through my head as I read children's stories.  I feel a bit like the guy in Despicable Me talking about how horrible the bedtime story is.  Although, of course, Curious George is pretty classic, so I try to limit my negative commentary.  I say all of this to justify our decision Saturday morning to purchase one (not ten) dozen doughnuts.  I'm pretty sure K has actually never eaten doughtnuts before.  She quickly learned just how good they are - "Yummy do" was how she asked for the leftovers on Sunday morning.

We headed out to Costco after doughtnuts to start "the shopping".  Because of the location we are going to, we are authorized to ship 1250 lbs of consumable items - paper products, food, toiletries, etc.  You have two options (well, probably more, but two main ones).  You can either purchase all of the items on your own and store them at your residence, or you can go to the commissary and order items by the case to be stored there until your shippers arrive.  I tend to feel that the commissary is overpriced, and I truly hate (with a passion) the 5% surcharge they add to my bill and then act like they're doing me a favor because everything is "tax-free".  Maybe they didn't notice yet, but neither TX nor CA charge sales tax on food items.  So...  this makes me lean toward option number 1 even though it will require a large amount of space.  As it happens, we have some extra space in the house and I have started with the bare necessities of shopping - vitamins, toilet paper, paper towels, and shampoo.  We have visitors coming in November, so I'm going to try to limit my shopping to items I actually have coupons for and save my big shopping until after we can totally take over the guest room. 

We spent Sunday morning letting the kids roam wild at Garland Ranch Regional Park.  This is really a local favorite of mine as it's relatively close (only about 20 minutes away), but it's in Carmel Valley, so it's a completely different weather pattern (SUN).  We normally pack K up in the ergo and walk at our pace, but we decided today that it was the kids' turn to choose our path and set the pace.  Some people chose to walk, while others focused on digging and rock-piling.  But in the end, a good time was had by all.  This is probably K's favorite place to walk because it's one of the only parks in the area where dogs don't have to be on leashes, so EVERYONE has a dog out there and she can stop and say hi to each and every one.  Both kids got a bath when they got home, then had some "Yummy Sa" (otherwise known as pizza), and had some much needed quiet time. 

Happy weekend, everyone!

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