Monday, December 5, 2011

The Pre-Pack

Among experienced military movers (and by this I mean military families, not the actual moving companies), I generally find two main camps on how to "do" a move.  The first group does essentially no prep because the Army's contract with moving companies pays for them to come into your home, take your clothes out of your dresser, your dishes out of your cabinets, and your books off of your shelves, pack them, and unpack them all into the same locations in your new house - wherever that may be.  The other camp believes that they are somehow "better" than the people who get paid to do this all day every day - and they pre-pack all of their boxes.  I'm not sure if we're under the mistaken impression that this will somehow make our movers like us more and thereby not destroy everything we own, or if we really just have nothing better to do.  If you can't tell, we kind of fall into the second camp.  By myself, I'd probably go with option A, but Josh is a firm believe in pre-packing.

And so we spent the weekend sorting through boxes in the garage, emptying the linen closet, and packing up our spare bedroom to make room for all of our unaccompanied baggage and household goods.  Nevermind the fact that I'm also storing Christmas presents in the guest room.  I think he'd pack those up too if I gave him the chance.

In other news, we took the side rail off of K's crib and she seems pretty happy with the change.  For myself, I'd just as soon keep her in the crib as long as she's happy (and she is), but travel will be easier (we think) if we can count on her sleeping in a regular bed.  It makes me a little bit sad to not have her in the crib.  Guess she's not really a baby anymore... :(

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