Friday, August 26, 2011

4 Year old wisdom

I took the kids down to the beach today for a playdate, but didn't see anyone when we got there (and it was kind of raining), so I tried to talk B &K into going to Costco instead.  I was not terribly successful...  Halfway there, B asks me why Daddy has to work.  I explained to him that Daddy's job was studying words and letters and that meant he had to be in the office all day.  Just like it's my job to stay home all day and watch them (no comment here on who gets the better end of that deal).  B reminded me - even though it's been over a year now since I left the Army - that sometimes when I have to go to work, Daddy would stay home and watch them.  Being the sneaky mom I am, I asked B who he liked to stay home with the best - Mommy or Daddy.  "Well," he says very seriously, "I like it when you both stay home." 

I guess that's what I get for trying to trick him... 

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