Wednesday, August 17, 2011

It's all about the family

Big Sur State Beach
This past week, we've been lucky enough to have my older sister visit with us and it brings some questions to mind. Growing up, we were geographically separated from the rest of our extended family - so I never thought anything of only seeing those people a few days a year. My husband, on the other hand, grew up just a short distance away from his only two cousins and spent all of the holidays (as well as lots of other time) with them.
Balconies Cave, Pinnacles

Spending a few days with my sister is great because I can continue - in person - discussions we've been having online and over the phone for weeks/months, but my kids don't have the benefit of having grown up with her. To them, she's one of those people they see a few days a year. A large part of me wishes that even though we've made the commitment to continue this crazy military lifestyle for many more moons, we could somehow spend more time with family. I suppose more importantly than spending "time" with family is somehow making the time we ARE able to spend with people quality time.

And so the balancing act continues. I don't for a minute doubt that we have made the right choice for our family and for our future, but that doesn't change the fact that I envy the way my husband grew up - surrounded by family.

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