Sunday, August 28, 2011

Final exams!

Lover's Point Beach - Monterey
It was 55 degrees on Saturday and overcast to boot, so what did my kids want to do?  That's right, go swimming.  I suppose it's my own fault for not just letting them go on Friday, but we spent Saturday morning "swimming."  They don't really go in the water - just up to their knees, or deep enough to fill up their buckets.  I can't really blame them either.  The water here is COLD.  But comfort seems to matter much less to kids than it does to grownups.  As long as they're having fun, they could care less about cold water.  We finished up our morning with some Moroccan chicken and roti-chapati - my latest Costco find.  It's similar to a whole wheat tortilla and they come uncooked, so with about a minute on the stove, you have a piece of wonderful, warm goodness.  Check out the refrigerated section at your local Costco if you're interested.  I plan to use them a lot from now until we leave - they remind me of the fresh tortillas we used to be able to buy at HEB in Texas. 

Josh has spent a lot of time studying this weekend.  He is scheduled to take his language exam this week, so stress level is pretty high right now.  I'm convinced, based on what he's told me about his class, that he will be one of the top 2 scores in his class.  The down side is that doing better than everyone else still won't count if he doesn't pass.  So I'll keep my fingers crossed...  Also, later this week, we have the FAOOC - an orientation course that Josh attended about 7 months ago.  Spouses are "encouraged" to attend, but they did not coordinate for childcare (I was totally spoiled by Ft. Hood...) this time or last time.  In addition, they don't have anyone briefing who has any experience in our region of the world, so my motivation to attend this time around isn't terribly high.  I am, however, interested in meeting the spouse of the new FAO proponency rep here at Monterey.  She just came from Tunisia and I'm sure some of the ladies in my FAO spouses group would be interested in picking her brain.

And just in time for all of this, both kids woke up today with colds.  So my week will involve lots of tissues, lots of crying, and not nearly enough sleeping.

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